Disc Golf Tourney Raises $1500 for Food Insecure Kids
Food donated by disc golfers participating in the 2021 Freeze Out Hunger Disc Golf Tournament
The 2021 Kanawha Valley Freeze Out Hunger Disc Golf Tournament helps Alum Creek area students
On February 6, 2020 area disc golfers gathered to play disc golf in sunny, yet chilly temperatures at Coon Skin Park in Charleston. The golfers paid an entry fee, were offered $1 “mulligans,” and were encouraged to bring non-perishable food items as donations to support Redeemer’s Feed My Sheep Program.
Feed My Sheep, an activity of the Community Care Team, assists food-insecure elementary school students and their families who live in the Alum Creek community and other areas around Charleston.
You can find the results of the tournament here.