HOPE: Worship & Spiritual Growth
“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”
We seek to ‘grow in the knowledge of the Lord.’ (2 Peter 3:18). So, we encourage each other to worship and participate in share groups and bible studies. We also believe Redeemer belongs to God’s people, and thereby, HIs people are invited to serve the church through the operational workings of Sunday morning activities, such as hospitality, altar preparation, ushering and many other activities
Periodically, Bible study opportunities arise for which we help as needed to develop and find materials for adult classes and share groups.
Altar Preparation servant group members provide a reverent worship space preparing the altar area of the sanctuary prior to worship.
A variety of fun multi-generational activities mixed-in with a Christian message are provided on the first Friday of every month from 6:30-8:30.
This activity welcomes guests and parishioners in a way that creates a lasting impression of Redeemer and encourages visitors and guests to return.
A nursery available during Sunday study and worship time is another way we show the love of Jesus to our families.
As one of the many activities of the Sunday Servant Team, this activity provide prayer support before, after or during our Divine Service.
Sunday school classes are offered on Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:30 for children, youth, and adults.
This activity ensures effectiveness and impact of each worship service by providing smooth operation of our audio-visual equipment.
This activity makes the church service more meaningful and memorable, by making visitors and parishioners comfortable with the flow of the worship service.
This activity makes the church service more meaningful and memorable, by making visitors and parishioners comfortable with the flow of the worship service.
The Redeemer Singers (Choir) provides worship music and leadership for Redeemer’s worship services.
The Redeemer Stringers provide praise and worship music for Redeemer’s contemporary worship services.