Redeemer Lutheran Church Features Artwork Created By Kansas Shepherd


On October 20, 2019, Redeemer features a painting by Jack Baumgartner, a multidisciplinary artist, woodworker and shepherd, who, together with his wife and five children live and farm outside of Rose Hill, Kansas.

The original painting, Jacob Wrestling with God, was made in 2012. Of the painting, Baumgartner says:

I have continued to be amazed and humbled by the impact the painting has had on people. I often receive heartfelt messages from individuals expressing to me how the painting has helped them through a difficult season, or has helped to illustrate challenging and meaningful theology. The image has found its way onto album covers, book covers, and countless church bulletins.

Baumwerks has produced two limited edition reproductions of the oil painting available for purchase on their website.

Learn more about the artwork at Baumwerks

Learn more about the Baumwerk Farm.

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