Christmas Food Basket Collection
DEADLINE: December 11
The Community Care Team is heading the effort to provide struggling families with food baskets for Christmas. Not only do we try to provide families with the items needed to make a “traditional” holiday dinner but also other items to help out with a couple other meals.
Please bring your food donations to church by December 11th.
Please see Steve Winans if you would like to help with the distribution. A few delivery drivers may also be needed. We also need to borrow some coolers on the day the baskets are given out.
Coolers will be needed the day the day the baskets are given out.
Please prayerfully consider helping in the project in the following ways:
DONATE SUPPLIES to fill baskets. Review the sign up sheets in the Connection Area at Redeemer.
DONATE MONEY Monetary donations will be used for purchase of perishables.
VOLUNTEER: Individuals may be needed to loan coolers, assemble baskets, hand out baskets, or deliver baskets