Gifts & Resources Team (stewardship)

Based on the gift each one has received, use it to serve others, as good managers of the varied grace of God.
— I Peter 4:10

The Gifts and Resources Team, also known as the Stewardship Board, primarily assists other teams resource activities with time, talents, and treasures.

Preparing a draft budget for the Leadership Council is one of the primary responsibilities of this team. The budget is presented to the council for approval prior to the November Voter's Meeting. Additionally, the Gifts and Resources Team reviews large ticket expenditures made by the congregation.

By encouraging participation in submitting the Strength, Talents, and Skills Inventory , this team is able to provide access to other activities teams seeking interested members.

The team also informs the congregation on the AmazonSmile Program, Kroger Community Rewards, and Action Teams.

Team Activities



Janet Winans, Chairperson

Jeff Clark

Phil Gaarenstroom

Don Sager

Barb Toler

Ministry Focus Areas: