Guest Connection
As one of the many activities of the Sunday Servant Team and Gospel Sharing Team, this activity welcomes guests and parishioners in a way that creates a lasting impression of Redeemer and encourages visitors and guests to return.
Responsibilities include:
Welcoming visitors and guests and appropriately greeting each parishioner
Ensuring everyone receives a bulletin from an usher and directions they might need to restrooms, nursery or other areas of the facility.
Helping guests complete the guest book and a Contact Card. Deliver the Contact Card to the Pastor’s desk.
Introduce guests to the Pastor.
Follow-up: by Monday afternoon/evening bring some sort of baked goods to the guests’ home(s) and reiterate our welcome to them and invite them to return. (This is NOT cold-call evangelism; you are simply making another contact with someone who has already come into our building. Please debrief the Pastor about the follow-up visit.)
Rod Hackman, Chairperson
Elaine Hackman
Bill Henstock
Candy Joseph
Fred Joseph
Patty Loos
Jim Siebel
Teresa Siebel
Bob Wojcieszak
Linda Wojcieszak
Ministry Focus Areas: