Redeemer Receives Grant from LCMS Office of National Mission
Sony A6400 video camera with telephoto lens
Redeemer has received a grant from the Esther 4:14 National Grant Program to upgrade our video streaming capabilities by purchasing a professional quality video camera. The grant program was established this year because “New technologies and communication techniques have enabled us to proclaim the Lord's timeless truth in new and exciting ways.” Its name refers to the Esther 4:14 phrase “for such a time as this”.
Our grant for $1150 (one of 225 grants from a $250,000 fund) allowed us to purchase a Sony A6400 video camera with telephoto lens. The new camera was placed into service on June 20 at the back of the nave. The center aisle camera was removed because the new camera gives a better picture of the altar and chancel center even though the new camera is farther away.
Redeemer thanks Ted Toler, Technical Arts Team leader, for recognizing the grant opportunity, writing the proposal, and installing the new camera.
All Redeemer worship services are streamed on our YouTube channel and can be viewed either live or from the archive. Search YouTube for “Redeemer Lutheran WV” or follow this link.
The Technical Arts activity is a part of our Sunday Servants Team.