Seven Questions with a Servant: Judy Knox

1. What's your name?
Judy Knox
2. Will you please share a little about yourself (where you’re from, where you work, about your spouse, children, grandchildren, pets, etc)?
74 years old in December; I am a widow, I have 3 children, 2 daughters in law and a son in law. 5 grandchildren. Grew up in Kanawha City; One sister and one brother. A year ago I found out I have 3 more sisters and another brother. That a story in itself
3. How long have you been attending/serving at Redeemer?
4 years
4. In what ways do you or have you serve(d) at Redeemer and which is/was your favorite way?
Bible school, Martha ministry
Some times I usher
When I was younger Bible school was my favorite
5. How has serving at Redeemer impacted you?
Redeemer is a loving and kind Church
It has opened my eyes to many new things
6. What’s something about you not many folks know?
I have gone to Africa twice on medical mission trips with my daughter
I put up 9 Christmas trees
I texted my grandchildren at night so they hear from me each morning
7. What do you like most about Redeemer?
All the people and how we make each other Family
Interview, 7 Questions w/ a ServantRedeemer Lutheran ChurchRedeemer Lutheran Church - LCMSSeven Questions, Usher, Sunday Servant, Sunday Servants, Sunday servants, VBS, Martha Ministries