New Wine Ministry of Zion Lutheran Church in Cloquet, Minnesota
Redeemer Lutheran Church will host a free production of Les Misérables on Saturday, June 16th at 6 p.m. New Wine, the Christian youth musical/drama ministry of Zion Lutheran Church in Cloquet, Minnesota presents the classic story of redemption and the journey to make a positive difference in the face of overwhelming misery. There will be an opportunity to contribute to a free-will offering to assist with tour costs.
New Wine promotes Christian fellowship, friendships and understanding among students, who come from varied denominational backgrounds and traditions. The 2018 touring cast consists of 52 students, grades 9-12 and represents more than 20 Minnesota churches. The traveling company will follow its performance in Charleston with a performance in the Fort Wayne, Indiana area.
About New Wine: New Wine ( is a Christian youth drama/musical ministry of Zion Lutheran Church in Cloquet, Minnesota. The group's name is inspired by the 5th chapter of Luke in the Christian Bible where Jesus challenges people to get rid of old categories in which religion and relationship with God has been cast, and pour “new wine into new wineskins.” The group promotes Christian fellowship, friendship, and understanding among the students, who come from varied religious backgrounds and traditions. The group is in its 26th year.